Best temps in the city

Qualifications & requirements

Our biggest challenge is to match the temps’ wishes and qualifications with current positions.

The goal for us will always be to ensure both the temp and the company are pleased, and they only will be if the match between their qualifications and the job is perfect. As in all jobs, it is also important that the chemistry fits.

When we send a temp on a job, we continuously follow up on how everything is going, both for the company and for the temps sake.

Additionally, we are not afraid to make demands to our temps, just as they shouldn’t hold back from having expectations of us. 

It is important that we match the expectations of both customers and temps, as our goal is to make both parties happy. Our ambition is to be the companies’ preferred supplier of temporary assistance, and we will only become so if we provide the best temporary staff.

As a temp you will always act as ambassador, and we naturally expect you to always do your best. It is important that you are stable and show up, take initiative, show courage and that you generally find enjoyment in a job well done.

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Our location

Kolbeck Vikar
– Part of Jensen Gruppen